Sunday, September 19, 2010

El Grito de Independencia! The Cry of Independence!

Los Eventos de el Bicentenario 2010 have come and gone and boy did we have a blast! The kids enjoyed a 5 day weekend and every inch of San Miguel de Allende was in a festive party spirit. Of course we participated non stop! Days filled with parades,  concerts, dances, re-enactments of historic events (Insurgents galloping on horses in force down the cobble stone streets of town...extremely hair raising and exciting with just a thing flimsy packing twine between my boys and the galloping insurgents), bullfights (We hated it- very upsetting and walked out after the first bull was killed- augh, so barbaric), fireworks,  and lots of good food, face painting, outlandish wigs, clothing, flag waving, limonada and cervezas!

Our most exciting events were Los Fuegos Pirotechnicos- Yes fireworks!! Todd and I  are thankful that everyone still has their eyesight, can breath and have all limbs in tact...(my eye did sting for minutes after an ash fell like a meteor into it) Days before the big night we noticed these huge scaffolding like structures being delivered to the jardin (center of town where everything important happens) and with some explanations of local friends we learned that these hand tied, popsicle stick like structures would later be assemble to stories high and be the launching point for thousands of fuegos (fires). It beat KFOG KABOOM by leaps and bounds not because of the technology (no match for that) but because the excitement and fevor in which the people enjoyed this crazy event! one  torch started a stream of events, fireworks, whirligigs, whistles, explosions, color, smoke and flying embers up to 150 feet high! While the traditional huge fireworks were booming  higher overhead (like our July 4th show)  I have never seen the kids so excited. They ran around free as monkeys in the jungle, laughing, screaming and completely blissed out! It was a crazy site to behold.  Rules don't really seem to be that strict and people take responsibility for themselves. To our amazement, we did not see anyone get out of control, witness one foul word said or belligerent bystander. In fact with our gaggle of 8 boys, the Mexican folks around us offered shoulders to perch on for a better view with a  jovial playful nature during times where we were in the middle of sardine like situation with boys whining
that they couldn't see anything! 

These are memories that will last forever.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Singing through the wee hours

It's been dark for hours, the fireworks have come and gone, come and gone and come again. Laying in bed, I listen to Mexicans partying somewhere close by as  I can hear numerous voices singing in unison. Songs unfamiliar to me, yet clearly national favorites. I want to absorb more or catch of glimpse of something: What am I missing out on?....Pulling on my white cozy robe and sheepskin slippers I tiptoe through our dimly lit garden and up the narrow stucco and tile stairs to our terrazza where the sky is a mixture of clouds holding onto the city glow and the open darkness where stars twinkle. Looking over San Miguel (a favorite spot in the house) La Parroquia is completely dark so I know it's late. The singing becomes clearer as it floats over the treetops and houses. It sounds like families- definitely a mixture of sweet and low tones. Is it a wedding, birthday or just friends gathering? The wind is soft and warm. My family is all sleeping soundly and I cherish this magical connection to the greater whole. Just a few minutes is all it takes before I come down again and  wonder whether a cup of tea will help me get back to sleep.  The clock blinks 3:20am. No tea, I am too drowsy.  Thoughts of my sister enter my mind and I send her a little prayer. Time to go back to bed. For the moment, it's all quiet again.